Hi Yuriy,
Update Roassal and you can send #extent:, #width: and #height: to a RTGroup. I did not
want to play with the matrix. Maybe we should on some point. But for now, I think this is
Try this:
elements := (RTEllipse new size: (30 atRandom)) elementsOn: (1 to: 30).
RTForceBasedLayout on: elements.
v := RTView new.
v addAll: elements.
handle := (RTBox new size: 20; color: Color red) element.
v add: handle.
handle @ RTDraggable.
TRConstraint move: handle onTheRightBelowOf: elements.
callback := TRTranslationCallback new block: [ :shape :step |
elements extent: (handle encompassingRectangle topLeft - elements encompassingRectangle
topLeft). v signalUpdate ].
handle trachelShape addCallback: callback.
On Sep 2, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymchuk(a)me.com> wrote:
Sounds good. But is there already something
implemented? Because I’d like to hook this up with zooming, so camera does not rescale
On 02 Sep 2014, at 19:04, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com> wrote:
Hi Uko,
This is indeed something I have thought about for long. If you take Omnigraffle for
example, you can group elements, and the. Resize them all. Having this in Roassal is
Being able to say that a group of elements should have a particular size, will this work
for you?
Le 01-09-2014 à 5:23, Yuriy Tymchuk
<yuriy.tymchuk(a)me.com> a écrit :
I again want to highlight the importance of dimensions that are not scalable.
If you remember Voronyj diagrams[1] that Natalia did, usually you do not care about the
size of borders, or the size of sites compared to the rest of diagram. But as total size
of a resulting diagram is not predictable, and you scale it to fill your viewport, you end
up with a different size of borders which is sometimes inappropriate.
Again, when you have a scatterplot. Sometimes you have clusters, and sometimes you have
sparse plots. I think that it can be essential to be able to say: “I need my elements to
be always 5px in radius”. This way you can always see them when you zoom out and they are
not overlapping when you zoom in.
I understand that this may be hard to implement. Just wanted to highlight because maybe
someone is planing to do something cool on the next weekend :)
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