Thanks doru,
it works :)
Le 18 nov. 08 à 10:58, Tudor Girba a écrit :
Hi Jannik,
edges: aCollection from: fromBlock to: toBlock defines a one to one
relationship between "fromBlock value: each" and "toBlock value:
each" (if you use a symbol instead of a block, it will just be
performed on each)
This works well for single inheritance, because given a class there
is just one superclass. However, in your case, you want to draw
several edges from one class.
In this case, you can use edges:fromAll:to, or edges:from:toAll:.
These still expect blocks, only the result of an "All block" should
be a collection of entities.
On Nov 18, 2008, at 10:48 AM, Jannik.laval.inria wrote:
Hi Doru,
I am using Mondrian, and I have a problem with edges.
When I do
aView edgesFrom: #superclass.
I have edges from superClasse to each.
Now, I would like to have classes used by each.
So I do
aView edgesFrom:#accesses.
Maybe it is because accesses is a collection ?
Can you help me ?
Also, I would like to know what are the type of parameters in
functions edgesFrom: , edgesFrom:To: and edges:From:To:
Thanks for all
"Some battles are better lost than fought."