Gosh, that simple!
Reminds me of this old joke
Ein Chemiker, ein Maschinenbauer und ein Informatiker
fahren im
Auto (durch Schottland, natürlich), plötzlich fällt der Motor aus
(sonst wär’s kein Witz). Sie beginnen, sich über die Ausfallursache
zu streiten.
Der Informatiker: »Mist, ein Bug im Betriebssystem.«
Der Chemiker: »Sicher ein unvermuteter Entropiezuwachs im Motorraum!«
Der Maschinenbauer: »Blödsinn, es ist einfach der Keilriemen
gerissen, oder der Zündverteiler hat sich verabschiedet oder sowas
usw. usw.!«
Irgendwann wird es dem Informatiker zu dumm: »Komm, wir steigen aus
und machen alle Türen einmal auf und zu. Vielleicht geht’s dann
have fun,
On 24 Sep 2007, at 22:23 , Romain PEIRS wrote:
Hi Tudor,
Thank you for your answer. Now, it works, I can do my unit tests.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tudor Girba" <girba(a)iam.unibe.ch>
To: "Moose Dev" <moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 9:47 PM
Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Problems with Unit Test
Hi Romain,
If you had the code browser already open, then you have to close it
and open another one before you can see the test-related tools in the
browser when you select a class that inherits from SUnit.TestCase or
one of its methods.
Does this help?
On Sep 24, 2007, at 8:47 PM, Adrian Kuhn wrote:
On which store is your code available? Can not
help you any further
without having a look at your code.
On 24 Sep 2007, at 20:06 , Romain PEIRS wrote:
Hi Adrian. The problem is that the packages
SUnitToo(ls) and
SUnitToo are
already loaded thanks to StefFoo.
Did I forget something?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Kuhn" <akuhn(a)gmx.ch>
To: "Related to the development of Moose and other related tools"
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 6:09 PM
Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Problems with Unit Test
> Hello Romain,
> and welcome to Moose!
> You need a test runner, load SUnitToo(ls) as you use SUnitToo.
> Your
> test method must start with test* to be runnable.
> cheers,
> AA
> On 22 Sep 2007, at 18:25 , Romain PEIRS wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a new mooser, I am working on a Smalltalk project with
>> VisualWorks. I am trying to write a unit test but I have a
>> problem:
>> I have not possibility to run and to step my test because I don't
>> have the tools for it. Nevertheless, I have loaded the package
>> StefFoo, my test class inherites >from SUnit.TestCase.
>> What did I forget to run my tests?
>> Romain
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