Guys this is really impressive!
2 things I noticed when going through the example in a new Pharo 6.1 image (with the
latest Iceberg) -
1) The example "IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/
'gtoolkit-examples' / 'doc' / 'tutorial' /
'examples-tutorial.pillar'. “ has changed to “IceLibgitRepository …” in the newer
iceberg - so it might be worth a note in the readme (I’ll submit a PR)
2) In a clean 6.1 image I get a walkback (GtPhlowExplicitView>>mondrian DNU) when
you try any of the graphical bits , making me think either the dependencies are incorrect
on the Baseline (or the instruction for the example also need to mention you need to load
something else - presumably Roassal?
3) You can’t scroll the Diff tabs of results, only the Code tabs
On 13 Jun 2018, at 21:57, Tudor Girba
<tudor(a)> wrote:
We are happy to announce a new leap of GToolkit Documenter, the tool for manipulating
live documents directly in the development environment:
Documenter is part of the second generation GToolkit project, it is based on Bloc and
works with the latest Pillar. It is mainly developed by Juraj Kubelka.
Attached you can see a preview of how documents look like:
At its core it offers a live editor for manipulating Pillar documents. The interaction
happens seamlessly directly in the text editor, and it can be combined with different
types of previews to serve several classes of use cases:
• code documentation
• tutorials
• interactive data notebook
Code documentation
Documenter complements the GToolkit Examples engine to redefine code documentation. When
practicing example-driven development, examples get written as part of the typical
development. Once examples exist, they can be quickly put together in a document to form
documentation. For example, the linked picture shows the comment of a class containing a
visual explanation:
You can see a live example of documentation by inspecting the following snippet:
GtDocumenter editorForText: BrToggleExamples comment.
Documenter offers a new experience of writing tutorials for Pharo by enabling the
creation and embedding of Epicea change sessions directly in the document. For example,
take a look at the following animation:
The document shows a method on top, and a change preview at the bottom showing both the
code and the associated diff to the state from the image. Applying the change updates both
the change view (no more diff), and method preview. This speeds up significantly the
process of going through a tutorial. Furthermore, given that now the document shows the
diff to the current image, the reader can safely explore alternative scenario and come
back to the tutorial at any time without losing the overview.
The size of the preview can also be adjusted live:
You can see a live tutorial by inspecting:
IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/
'gtoolkit-examples' / 'doc' / 'tutorial' /
Interactive data notebook:
A Documenter document can also be used as an interactive notebook. Internally it
essentially acts as a playground:
• it supports defining variables in code snippets, and
• the execution of code shows an embedded inspector.
For example:
An example, can be seen by inspecting:
IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/ 'gtoolkit' /
'doc' / 'gtoolkit' / 'gtoolkit.pillar'.
As always, please do let us know what you think.
The feenk team
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