Le 08-11-2014 à 5:38, Tudor Girba
<tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> a écrit :
If you are wondering how to trigger the visualizations, you can trigger them on any
parser instance.
For example:
PPArithmeticParser new visualizeStructureInGraph
On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 9:04 PM, Tudor Girba
<tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
Thank you!
"Every thing has its own flow"
> On 07 Nov 2014, at 19:55, milton mamani <akevalion(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tudor,
> I will check the next items this weekend:
> PPParser>>visualizeStructureInGraphOn:
> PPParser>>viewAllNamedParsersWithSelection:previewing:on:
> Cheers,
> Milton
> 2014-11-02 3:52 GMT-03:00 Thierry Goubier <thierry.goubier(a)gmail.com>om>:
>> Le 02/11/2014 01:33, Nicolai Hess a écrit :
>>> 2014-11-01 22:06 GMT+01:00 Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com
>>> <mailto:tudor@tudorgirba.com>>:
>>> Hi,
>>> We have gone through most of the Roassal problems, but we still have
>>> a couple of issues left.
>>> First, we need to be able to export to PNG. Right now, the
>>> implementation exports only the visible part of the morph, but it
>>> should export the whole canvas. Ideally, we should use the Athens
>>> ability of exporting PNGs:
>>> Is there any notion of "view (all shapes) extent"? I am afraid the
>>> extent is only defined by the actual Morph, therefore, we
>>> can only draw and export the visible part in the morph.
>> view canvas camera encompassingRectangle.
>> the answer is relative to the camera transform and does not include fixed shapes
(menu buttons).
>> Thierry
>>> Using Athens for exporting, we need a way to create an AthensSurface
>>> with the correct (enlarged) extent. The problem is, the extent is defined
>>> by TrachelShape but the TRMorph is the one holding the AthensSurface.
>>> Your proposed solution in
>>> should work, although it does not go through athenssurface>>writeToPng:
>>> but instead it
>>> creates a form
>>> renders on an athens surface
>>> copies the rendering on to the imageform
>>> export the image form
>>> If your code creates a rendering error like NBFFICallout
>>> class>>#signalError, it is because
>>> the Athens-Api is picky about Fraction as arguments for surface extents
>>> or transformations:
>>> TRMorph>>#drawOn:
>>> ....
>>> cs pathTransform
>>> translateBy: self extent /
>>> 2; "<<----------"
>>> scaleBy: trachelCanvas camera scale asFloat;
>>> translateBy: trachelCanvas camera position negated.
>>> trachelCanvas shapes do: [ :trachelShape |
>>> trachelShape drawOn: cs.
>>> ].
>>> ...
>>> Then, we still have a couple of visualizations left to port:
>>> PPParser>>visualizeStructureInGraphOn:
>>> PPParser>>viewAllNamedParsersWithSelection:previewing:on:
>>> Any takers?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>> --
www.tudorgirba.com <http://www.tudorgirba.com>
>>> "Every thing has its own flow"
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