Comment #2 on issue 1097 by nicolaih...(a) Not all shapes support
It is possible to draw an ellipse with a uniform scaled stroke (with cairo).
Athens just don't expose this api. (there was a lenghtly discussion with no
Here is an example for an ellipse with uniform stroke.
| view |
view := AthensSceneView new.
scene: [ :canvas |
| stroke ellipse |
canvas surface clear: Color black.
canvas pathTransform
restoreAfter: [
canvas pathTransform scaleBy: 1 @ 2.
ellipse := canvas
createPath: [ :builder |
moveTo: 10 @ 75;
ccwArcTo: 75 @ 140 angle: 90 degreesToRadians;
ccwArcTo: 140 @ 75 angle: 90 degreesToRadians;
ccwArcTo: 75 @ 10 angle: 90 degreesToRadians;
ccwArcTo: 10 @ 75 angle: 90 degreesToRadians ].
canvas setPaint: Color blue.
canvas setShape: ellipse.
canvas draw.
stroke := canvas setStrokePaint: Color red.
stroke width: 8.
"---------------- all the following uses athens-cairos PRIVATE api
"load the path with the current active (scaled) matrix"
canvas newPath.
canvas loadPath: ellipse ].
"explicit set the (restored/identity) pathMatrix"
canvas setPathMatrix.
"dont call draw it would again load the path with the now active
"just load the color and render the stroke"
stroke prepareForDrawingOn: canvas.
canvas stroke ].
view openInWindow.
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