The examples from the thesis of Philipp are out of date. The up-to-date documentation is
in The Moose Book.
If you want to discuss Glamour, I would suggest to use the moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch mailing
list - follow the registration from:
Further examples can be found in the built-in example browser (also done in Glamour):
GLMBasicExamples open
Regarding your first question, the current way to integrate a Workspace is by using
something like:
a text
On 4 Aug 2011, at 16:56, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi all,
Following with my idea of Tree like workspace I have started to see Glamour to find my
way to the problem. After trying to install it on Pharo and getting some error message I
tried the preinstalled version of Moose and followed the Moose Book example[1]. It worked
well, and I like the flexibility of glamour to define browsers, but you loose some of the
most important characteristic in the Workspace is interactivity (auto-completion, syntax
highlighting and so on) So I have some questions:
* ¿There is any way to make the details panel contain a Workspace?.
* When I try the first example in the Bunge's Thesis tutorial:
browser := TableLayoutBrowser new.
I don't get full autocompletion on TableLayoutBrowser only until TableLayout. This
is because this Class is not supported on Moose Glamour, another reason or Am I
misunderstanding something else?
"From an abstract enough point of view, any two things are similar."