Alain took some time and provided an enhanced integration of Rubric into
Glamour. This means that now you can use all the power of Rubric from
For example, select a class from a system parsed with VerveineJ, then open
it in a Glamour Editor, and then use this code:
composer rubricText with: [ :r |
r display: [ :c | class sourceAnchor completeText ].
class methods do: [ :m | | seg |
m sourceAnchor notNil ifTrue: [
seg := RubTextSegmentMorph
from: m sourceAnchor interval first
to: m sourceAnchor interval last + 1.
seg color: Color paleYellow.
seg icon: MooseIcons famixMethod.
seg label: 'Explore'.
seg iconBlock: [ :segment :event | m explore ].
r addTextSegment: seg ] ] ].
composer startOn: class
You get all methods in the class highlighted and you can interact with them
(see the attached screenshot).
This is highly promising. For more examples, look at GLMRubricExample and
its subclasses.
The next step will be to replace altogether the default text presentation
with the new Rubric rendering.
[image: Inline image 1]
"Every thing has its own flow"