Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 856 by benjamin...(a) ROAbstractElement>>remove
inconsistent nested behaviour
I would expect ROAbstractElement>>remove to work consistently whether it
belongs to the top-level view or nested in another element. However it is
not as demonstrate by the code below having this result...
a ROElement<#x>
a ROElement<#x>
a ROElement<#y>
v := ROView new.
x := ROElement on: #x.
y := ROElement on: #y.
v add: x.
v add: y. "this line different"
y remove.
v allElementsDo: [ :el | Transcript crShow: el ].
Transcript crShow: '------'.
v := ROView new.
x := ROElement on: #x.
y := ROElement on: #y.
v add: x.
x add: y. "this line different"
y remove.
v allElementsDo: [ :el | Transcript crShow: el ].