Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1001 by matttbe: Pharo: Moose: unable to get information from Dr.
Geo packages.
First, thank you for developing this free and OpenSource platform!
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you
With the latest version of the Moose Suite, I'm not able to analyse data
from Dr. Geo packages: the Moose panel is empty.
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if
From Moose Suite 4.9 image and Pharo 2:
* Install DrGeo with these commands:
Gofer new
url: '' ;
package: 'ConfigurationOfDrGeo';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDrGeo) perform:#load.
* Open the Moose Panel / st / select all DrGeoII-* packages / Next /
* Select the new model: there is nothing in the panel! Here is a
Additional information: platform, context which may
impact the problem
I also tested with another image where Moose was already installed but I
have the same problem.
I'm using Pharo 2 on Linux but it seems that we also have this problem when
using it on Windows.
Note that I was able to have something in Moose Panel by doing that:
* Open the Moose Panel / st / select random packages (e.g. I tried with
PetitParser* packages) / Next / Finished
* Select the new model: everything seems fine
* Don't close the Moose Panel and install Dr. Geo from the workspace
* Switch to the Moose Panel window / st / select DrGeoII-* packages / Next
/ Finished
* Select this new model: we can see boxes and select lines but all graphs
are empty!
Feel free to ask if you need additional information!
Thank you for your help,
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