Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 493 by jfa...(a) ConfiguTation browser menu entry raises
In the Hudson nightly build of 15 jan.
MooseDevBrowser class>>menuCommandOn: aBuilder
(aBuilder item: #'MooseConfigutationBrowser')
order: 6;
parent: #Moose;
label: 'Moose Configutation Browser';
action:[MooseDevBrowser open]
Not only ConfiguTation -> ConfiguRation :-), but it also raises a MNU:
reciever of "Project" is nil. Cause: "list selection" is nil in the
following part of [MooseDevBrowser>>open]
Smalltalk at: #OBCmdMetacello ifPresent: [ :x |
projectList dynamicActions: [:list |
(GLMOBCommandAdaptor new
actionsFrom: (Smalltalk at: #OBCmdMetacello) subclasses
on: list selection project configuration class
for: nil ) do: [:each | each category: 'OB Commands'] ] ]