That looks cool. :-) Some feedback:
- int the first example, the position of the lines with respect to the red dot is strange.
The dot should be lower I think.
- in the last example, why is the arrow offset between yellow and green? There is only one
arrow so there is no need for offsets.
- what happens with labels on arrows? Have you tried that?
On Jun 8, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)> wrote:
I personally do not often face the need. Actually, I seldom use arrow. I gave a try, but
I need your feedback.
| v e1 e2 line |
v := RTView new.
e1 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4); size: 20) element.
e2 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color red alpha: 0.4); size: 20) element.
e1 @ RTDraggable.
e2 @ RTDraggable.
v add: e1; add: e2.
line := RTArrow new color: Color red.
line withOffsetIfMultiple.
v add: (line edgeFrom: e1 to: e2).
v add: (line edgeFrom: e2 to: e1).
RTCircleLayout on: { e1 . e2 }.
<Screen Shot 2014-06-08 at 1.12.35 PM.png>
| v e1 e2 e3 e4 line |
v := RTView new.
e1 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4); size: 20) element.
e2 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color red alpha: 0.4); size: 20) element.
e3 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color yellow alpha: 0.4); size: 20) element.
e4 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color green alpha: 0.4); size: 20) element.
e1 @ RTDraggable.
e2 @ RTDraggable.
e3 @ RTDraggable.
e4 @ RTDraggable.
v add: e1; add: e2; add: e3; add: e4.
line := RTArrow new color: Color red.
line withOffsetIfMultiple.
v add: (line edgeFrom: e1 to: e2).
v add: (line edgeFrom: e2 to: e1).
v add: (line edgeFrom: e1 to: e2).
v add: (line edgeFrom: e2 to: e2).
v add: (line edgeFrom: e3 to: e4).
RTCircleLayout on: { e1 . e2 . e3 . e4 }.
<Screen Shot 2014-06-08 at 1.12.47 PM.png>
Example have been added
On Jun 7, 2014, at 4:51 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)> wrote:
Did you consider implementing the arrows implemented in Softwarenaut and Quicksilver? The
idea is to have them from center to center and a bit shifted to have edges in both
directions visible. They also start being drawn not quite from the edge of the shape but
with a little gap. They are pretty nice and scale well.
On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)> wrote:
We worked on the arrow support in Roassal. Here is a screenshot:
<Screen Shot 2014-06-06 at 3.50.31 PM.png>
Alexandre Bergel
Moose-dev mailing list
"Every thing has its own flow"
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Alexandre Bergel
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PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile