I am not sure to understand.
Consider the following example (to execute in a workspace):
| morphClass |
morphClass := Morph subclass: #TMPMorph.
morphClass compile: 'fillStyle ^ Color white'.
morphClass compile: 'drawOn: aCanvas
super drawOn: aCanvas.
aCanvas drawString: ''1 2 3''
in: self bounds
font: TextStyle defaultFont
color: Color red.'.
morphClass new openInHand
It gives:
An example that uses the default text font in Mondrian.
| morphClass |
morphClass := Morph subclass: #TMPMorph.
morphClass compile: 'fillStyle ^ Color white'.
morphClass compile: 'drawOn: aCanvas
super drawOn: aCanvas.
aCanvas drawString: ''1 2 3''
in: self bounds
font: (MOBoundedShape new fontFor: MONode new)
color: Color red.'.
morphClass new openInHand
Which produces:
Your easel script produces:
I do not see any strange behavior. Can you provide a screenshot
On 20 Jul 2010, at 11:28, Veronica Isabel Uquillas Gomez wrote:
Hi Alex,
Previously I reported that the color of text does not appear as it should be, but
light... You created the withoutBackground method that works but sometimes.
As I display small fonts, having blurred texts does not help
try this code...
(1 to: 10) do: [:n |
view shape rectangle
borderColor:[ :each| Color blue ].
view node: n forIt: [
view node: (n * 2) using: (view shape rectangle withoutBorder
fontColor:[ :each| Color red ];
text:[ :e| e asString ]).
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Alexandre Bergel