Hi Doru,
I am working on Orion that enables through actions to express evolution operator on model
These actions depend on the language in which the program to evolve is written (even if
the actions are performed at model level). I am trying to generate all the required
classes, attributes and methods to adapt Orion to a specific language. This part is
relatively simple and systematic and dependent to the instance variables of the Famix
Concerning the actions, currently, I am not generating them. But I think I can do some
generations, that would certainly need to be manually adapted by the developer.
When you want to add a Class (in Pharo or Java), you have to:
- create the class,
- specify its container property (since this property is mandatory) and add the added
class in the collection of the corresponding container.
- specify its name (if you are in Pharo, since once again this property is mandatory).
All the other things, concerning, instance variables, methods, inheritance… are optional;
the lower multiplicity is 0, whereas the container and the name properties have 1 as lower
The idea is then to construct a model conform to the metamodel.
Thanks in advance.
Le 1 sept. 2013 à 08:06, Tudor Girba a écrit :
Hi Anne,
Fame does not have this support. But, for generation purposes, I think the upper bounds
should be pretty much enough: as long as you have * upper bound, you should model it with
a collection.
Could you give an example of how the lower bounds would change the generation?
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Anne Etien <anne.etien(a)univ-lille1.fr> wrote:
I can't see how Fame enable to express that a Property in a metamodel is mandatory or
not. The isMultivalued property of the FM3PropertyDescription class enables to specify
that a property is multivalued or not, but nothing concerning the character mandatory of
the property. Saying that in other words, it is possible to specify in a metamodel that
the upper multiplicity of a property is '*' but I can't see how to specify the
lower multiplicity.
For example considering the metamodel of stateMachine. A State is contained in one and
only one StateMachine, whereas a StateMachine can contained 0 or several states. A
transition has one and only one State as source and a state can be the source of 0 or
several transitions.
Does Fame enable to express this mandatory characteristic?
Expressing such a thing may facilitate some generations. Indeed, when adding a State, we
must specify its container but it is not mandatory to specify the transitions for which it
is a source.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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