Hi Alex,
The most up to date examples can be found in the MondrianPaintings
bundle :). Look for the extensions to ClassGroup.
The paper is indeed out of date, but the master of Michael is still
pretty much Ok. Take a look at chapter 3 (except that #allInheritances
is called #allInheritanceDefinitions in MooseModel).
But, coming back to your example, in MondrianEasel you already have a
view variable, so there is no need to initialize it and open it. See
an example in:
For the UML diagram, take a look at ClassGroup>>viewUMLHierarchyOn:
from MondrianPaintings.
On Dec 8, 2007, at 4:23 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Dear list,
I wanted to graphically render a model using Mondrian. However It
seems that Meye06a is a bit out of sync with the current
implementation (feel free to say that I am wrong :-).
When I open the easel, in the pane where I am supposed to script the
variable 'model' does not seems to be known.
I tried to cut and paste the following script (extracted from the
paper) but it is not accepted by the easel:
view := ViewRenderer new.
view nodes: model classes
using: (Rectangle withBorder height: #NOM; width: #NOA).
view edges: model inheritances
using: (Line from: #superclass to: #subclass).
view layout: TreeLayout new.
view open.
How can I draw the UML diagram for a given model?
Alexandre Bergel
Moose-dev mailing list
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