I've loaded the mondrian form squeaksource and
I'm trying it. I find
it quite different for the one used in OB.
Yes, but very close to the VW version. We have a number of scripts and
visualization made in VW that we would like to reuse. Moreover, in my
opinion, the new version is simpler to use (and probably faster to
The incantation to install the latest version of Mondrian in Pharo:
ScriptLoader new installer ss project: 'Mondrian'; install:
'MondrianLoader'. ScriptLoader perform: #loadMondrian
I'll continue to try it as I'm reading Micheal
Master thesis. I'm
trying on a simple graph first with tasks and node, but also I'd like
a special kinf of shape. Alex, I didn't found the way to compose
shape. Is it possible already ?
Yes, you can compose them using MOFormsBuilder. There are numerous
example in MOReadme, MONewFormsBuilderTest, and MOFormsBuilderTest
(but some of them go red).
An example that you can run with: MOReadme new flagExample
| builder view |
builder := MOFormsBuilder new.
"Assuming you want a grid made up of 3 columns and 2 rows"
column; fill;
column; fill; center;
column; fill.
row; fill; row; fill; row; fill; "For the German flag"
row; center; "The EU text"
row; pref. "For the French flag"
"We draw a German flag"
builder x: 1 y: 1 w: 3 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 30; height:
7; fillColor: Color black).
builder x: 1 y: 2 w: 3 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 30; height:
7; fillColor: Color red).
builder x: 1 y: 3 w: 3 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 30; height:
7; fillColor: Color yellow).
builder x: 1 y: 4 w: 3 add: (MOLabelShape new text: [:aNumber |'EU ',
aNumber printString]).
"We draw a French flag"
builder x: 1 y: 5 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 10; height: 20;
fillColor: Color blue).
builder x: 2 y: 5 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 10; height: 20;
fillColor: Color white).
builder x: 3 y: 5 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 10; height: 20;
fillColor: Color red).
view := MOViewRenderer new.
view popupText: [:aNumber | 'my value is ', aNumber printString ].
view draggable. "Let's make nodes draggable, yeah!"
view nodeShape: (builder shape).
view nodes: (1 to: 27).
view edges: (1 to: 27) from: #yourself to: [:each | each * each].
view layout: (MOCircleLayout new).
view open
I also wonder if we could imagine a SVGRenderer to use
in conjunction
with seaside :) ? What do you think ?
Yeah, that would be nice!
ps: David, concerning the graph button bar in OB,
I'll suggest showing
it only in the comment view.
It depends... I seldom press the comment button, except if there is a
comment in it, which is rare.
Alexandre Bergel