This is a bit a tricky use case, but it should be supported. If you
just want to highlight something, then you want to:
- start both lists with the some start input, and then
- connect the #selection ports of the two panes (supposing you have
list presentations)
Here is an example:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a | a list].
browser transmit to: #two; andShow: [ :a | a list].
browser transmit from: #one; to: #two port: #selection.
browser transmit from: #two; to: #one port: #selection.
browser openOn: (1 to: 42)
But, please point me to the whole code so that I can take a look.
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Nicolas Anquetil
<nicolas.anquetil(a)inria.fr> wrote:
Hi folks,
Happy new year to you all.
I have a question in Glamour:
We want a browser with two panes:
row: [ :row | row column: #classmap; column: #bugmap].
the two panes show two point of view on the same thing.
When we select something in #classmap we want too highlight something related
in #bugmap
browser transmit
from: #classmap;
to: #bugmap;
The reverse is true to:
browser transmit
from: #bugmap;
to: #classmap;
It works somehow: we can open the browser and click on one side (either one)
to update the other side.
The problem is that if we start selecting in one side, then we can only select
on this side, selecting on the other side blanks everything and we need to
restart the whole browser.
- Is this a know issue?
- with a known solution?
- do you need more code?
Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod team
INRIA Lille Nord Europe
Moose-dev mailing list
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