I had a look on that.
The problem is that in the method #primCollectAtScope, when the
#collectAsSet finds a classScope = nil (for example, in a GlobaVariable) it
inserts a SetElement and not nil.
primCollectAtScope: aScopeSymbol
^ self opposites collectAtScope: aScopeSymbol
^self storage collectAsSet: [ :dep | (self opposite: dep) perform:
aScopeSymbol ].
See the difference:
#(nil) collectAsSet: #yourself.
#(nil) collect: #yourself.
So, if you check the method #collectAtScope: there is a filter for nil
elements, but we will never have nil (just SetElement).
One trivial solution is:
primCollectAtScope: aScopeSymbol
^ self opposites collectAtScope: aScopeSymbol
^ (self storage collect: [ :dep | (self opposite: dep) perform:
aScopeSymbol ]) asSet
I just commited it and the tests are green for
ps: also updated the invocation from #queryAllOutgoingDependencies to
#queryAllOutgoingAssociations Doru cited last email.
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 8:43 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks a lot.
I looked quickly into this. There is at least a simple problem: you are
calling queryAllOutgoingDependencies, but this method does not exist
anymore. I guess we should replace this with queryAllOutgoingAssociations.
Is this due to a wrongly published refactoring?
On 30 Jan 2012, at 23:58, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
I already spent 4 hours on this and am not anywhere near the solution
I think I got myself on a wrong track and cannot
get out of it.
So I will ask your help see if you can do better.
From what I understood, the problem is not related to the metrics, but
from accesses to global variables.
When one does a atClassScope on a queryResult containing an access to a
variable, this one returns nil to the message
claassScope (this is
and for some reason that I cannot understand the
nil gets inserted in
storage of the queryResult in some cases (not
always) in the form of a
SetElement containing it.
After lot of debugging, I finally got a method
(LANInterface>>originate() )
that accesses (among other things)
My problem is that from here the behaviour seems heratic to me :-(
- 'theMethod queryOutgoingAccesses atClassScope' works,so it does
the nil coming from the
'SmalltalkGlobalVariable classScope'
- 'theMethod queryOutgoingReferences atClassScope' also works (there is
global variable involved there anyway)
- 'theMethod queryStaticOutgoingAssociations atClassScope', does not
contains a SetElement that contains a nil :-(
What baffles me is that the definition of
FAMIXMethod>>queryStaticOutgoingAssociations is:
^ self queryOutgoingAccesses
addAll: self queryOutgoingReferences;
"addAll: self queryOutgoingInheritances; --
does not
make sense here"
I even simplified it a bit to be more sure: staticAssociations = all
access +
all inheritance.
So taken together they exhibit the problem, but taking access alone
does not exhibit it.
If I manually remove all references from the
result, then it works again, which is logical
because this is the same
asking 'queryOutgoingAccesses' which
already works
Note: to remove elements from the resutls, I use an inspector on the
MooseQueryResult: 'storage := storage reject: [:a|a class ==
Even stranger to me, if I manually remove only one of the references
'storage := storage reject: [:a|a to name =
'String']'), then the result
starts to be correct again.
The test used to built the particular model I am wroking on is
So here I am.
Maybe you can provide some fresh view on it?
On Monday 30 January 2012 15:09:12 Tudor Girba wrote:
> Thanks a lot. I ran the tests again and only 6 still have errors:
> Let us know how it works.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Nicolas Anquetil
> <nicolas.anquetil(a)inria.fr> wrote:
>> I looked at it.
>> Problem is that I forgot to migrate some metrics from SoftEngMetrics
>> famix- extension-metrics. So it was
correct in my image but not in the
>> standard one.
>> This is corrected.
>> I am still having problems with a test in FAMIXPropertiesTest
>> It creates a strange situation where a MooseObjectQuery contains a
>> SetElement containing a SetElement containing nil.
>> So the problem might come from some unrelated place.
>> First the test class FAMIXPropertiesTest gave me troubles because
> are
two of them (one in Moose-Tests-SmalltalkImporter-KGB and one in
> Moose-Tests- SmalltalkImporter-core).
> Second, I am teaching today, so I don't have lot of time to devote to
> this at this moment.
> So I will leave that for further study tonight or tomorrow.
> nicolas
> On Sunday 29 January 2012 22:32:54 Tudor Girba wrote:
>> I forgot the link:
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> On 29 Jan 2012, at 22:13, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>> Hi Nicolas,
>>> Your latest changes produced some errors in tests.
>>> The troubled seems to be triggered by you removing some methods
>>> from
>>> FAMIXClassGroup, like abstractness.
>>> Could you take a look?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>> --
>>> "What is more important: To be happy, or to make happy?"
>> --
>> "What we can governs what we wish."
> --
> Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod team
> INRIA Lille Nord Europe
Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod team
INRIA Lille Nord Europe
"To utilize feedback, you first have to acquire it."
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