Hi Jannik,
The code should work fine now. Running all tests from Moose-All-tg.391
578 run, 562 passes, 0 expected failures, 8 failures, 8 errors, 0
unexpected passes
The only trick is that for loading from Smalltalk you have to execute:
PackageOrganizerCache buildSystemCache
This is because of the optimizations build in the Pharo importer by
Let me know if you still encounter problems.
Just a note on naming:
- Moose refers to the platform (so packages like FAMIX, Moose-Core and
generic engines like Mondrian)
- Moose-Suite refers to a complete installation including adjacent
tools built on top of it (like DSM).
A release is indeed a good thing. I would like to get to the state of
producing one in June.
On 20 May 2009, at 09:48, Laval Jannik wrote:
Hi all,
A lot of things have been broken in the last days.
So, Moose, Mondrian, Glamour and DSM works fine in Sattose... now
bugs appear everywhere.
It could be cool to have a package Moose-Release, where we put
stable packages, or make a MooseRelease-Loader.
Jannik Laval
PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)
Moose-dev mailing list
"Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot
be done."