Let say you have two lists: listPart1 and listPart2 (one in a first pane and
the other one on the second pane).
You can write something like:
listPart1 callback: [:output |
listPart2 list: {output}.
I think you want to do something like that ?
The right solution (not implemented for now) would be to have a method like:
listPart2 defaultList: [:requiredInputs | .... ]
Like that we don't have to refer directly the other part
2011/10/18 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>
Humm... I do not really understand what
#projectSelectFrom: fileName
forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs is supposed to do.
How does the callback to modify the two panes?
On 17 Oct 2011, at 23:45, Johan Fabry wrote:
Hi Alex.
I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin
did not
have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a
hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then
have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The
code that does this is below:
AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
"Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first
"Third pane contents is actually built
using callback of second
| wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane
labelPart filePart
importConfigs |
wizard := WizardControl new.
importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
" == aspect info pane == "
aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect
filePart := (ChooseFilePart new)
validExtensions: #(xcr).
filePart callback: [:fileName |
self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard
andConfig: importConfigs ].
aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
wizard addPane: aiPane.
"== project select pane =="
psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to
psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will
be removed by the callback').
wizard addPane: psPane.
"== java source select pane =="
javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the
wizard addPane: javaPane.
" == last pane with report of what will be done == "
resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the
wizard addPane: resultPane.
wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs
(outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
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Johan Fabry
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PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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Alexandre Bergel
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