I tend to agree, but you want it fairly obvious to the end user that they are wandering
onto the bleeding edge when using nano versions:)
For example, by default, Metacello would filter out nano versions...
----- "stephane ducasse" <stephane.ducasse(a)> wrote:
| simon my gut feeling is telling me that four level is too complex.
| Stef
| On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:07 PM, Simon Denier wrote:
| >
| >
| > Thinking again about the dev process specifically in Moose (not
| subprojects such as CAnalyzer, Mondrian...), branches for developer
| should be 'nano' releases actually, that is:
| > - 4 is a major release of Moose
| > - 4.1 is a minor release, but still something consistent
| > - 4.2.x should be for release in the main trunk, i.e. mostly dev and
| beta version before releasing a minor release (would be 4.2)
| > - 4.2.x.y is a branch of one developer (something short-lived,
| typically for a task resolution, once finished should be merged in
| main trunk)
| >
| > We could also follow the linux rule:
| > - 4.1, 4.1.1, are the dev versions for the future 4.2 stable
| releases
| > - 4.2, 4.2.1 etc are minor and micro releases but stable, with bug
| fixes
| > i.e. minor is odd -> dev version, minor is even -> stable version
| > This does not mean we work on two versions in parallel (we dont have
| the manpower), but it just to help distinguish between dev and stable
| versions
| >
| > I'm just pushing ideas out of my head. Now, with this process, we
| have three main requirements for Moose:
| > - making it easy for anybody to retrieve (and identify it) the
| latest stable version
| > - making integration in the main dev trunk the priority (we have
| limited resources, so each developer should take care to merge its
| changes in the main trunk, and start over from the main trunk for a
| new task, NOT always working in the same branches)
| > - managing micro/nano releases from each developer
| >
| > I'm sorry if this feels too complicated and overly complex, it is
| not. I'm just playing with different schemas and see what could work
| best.
| >
| >
| > Now of course Metacello should not care about conventions (minor,
| micro...) of each project. Your proposition seems reasonable and
| flexible enough.
| >
| > But then, how can I ask for a version with a specific blessing?
| >
| >
| >
| > On 4 déc. 2009, at 18:48, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| >
| >>
| >> Thinking off the top of my head, would it be work to supply a
| pattern of some sort as an arg? Something like:
| >>
| >> ConfigurationOfXXX project lastVersion: '*.*'
| >>
| >> Not a real regex (because of the periods would need to be escaped,
| but mainly because reading regex for me is like trying to read
| russian:).
| >>
| >> Maybe best is a special purpose character like '#' in addition to
| the standard(?) smalltalk patterns '*' and '?':
| >>
| >> ConfigurationOfXXX project lastVersion: '#.#' ---> matches all
| major.minor
| >> ConfigurationOfXXX project lastVersion: '1.#' ---> matches all
| 1.minor
| >> ConfigurationOfXXX project lastVersion: '*' ---> is current
| algorithm
| >> ConfigurationOfXXX project lastVersion: '*.0' ---> matches
| versions with trailing .0
| >> ConfigurationOfXXX project lastVersion: '?.#' ---> matches single
| character major.minor
| >
| > I dont see what is the use of this one?
| >
| >
| >
| >> ConfigurationOfXXX project lastVersion: '1.#.3' ---> is invalid
| >>
| >> This one seems to the right approach ... I can add a #match: method
| to MetacelloVersionNumber to implement the pattern matching.
| >>
| >> What do you think?
| >>
| >> Dale
| >>
| >> ----- "Simon Denier" <Simon.Denier(a)> wrote:
| >>
| >> | Suppose I have versions like this:
| >> | 1.3.2 #development --> branch by a developer
| >> | 1.3.1 #development --> branch by a developer
| >> | 1.3 #development --> main trunk, last dev
| >> | 1.2 #stable --> main trunk, last stable
| >> |
| >> | When I perform a ConfigurationOfXXX project lastVersion, I would
| like
| >> |
| >> | to retrieve the config for the last dev version common to
| everybody,
| >> |
| >> | and I would like this to be 1.3, not 1.3.2 which is the work of
| one
| >> | guy not yet merged in the main trunk.
| >> |
| >> | Right now, I get 1.3.2
| >> |
| >> | Perhaps we could have something like this:
| >> | 1.3.2 #branch --> branch by a developer
| >> | 1.3.1 #branch --> branch by a developer
| >> | 1.3 #development --> main trunk, last dev
| >> | 1.2 #stable --> main trunk, last stable
| >> |
| >> | and branch would be an 'unstable' tag ignored by the loader when
| >> | asking for latestVersion or lastVersion (and veryLastVersion
| could
| >> | retrieve the latest version, be it a branch, dev, or stable).
| >> |
| >> | I have no special requirements here, I'm just playing with the
| idea
| >> | and process of how to manage micro releases with Metacello.
| >> |
| >> | --
| >> | Simon
| >
| > --
| > Simon
| >
| >
| >
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