I am updating some code found in class blueprint. I have migrated the method:
createEdgesFor: aClass andLayers: layers on: view
buildEdgesFromObjects: aClass incomingAccesses
from: #from
to: #to
(RTLine new
color: Color lightBlue;
attachPoint: RTHorizontalAttachPoint instance)
inView: view) do: [ :each | each moveBehind: (layers flatCollect: #value) ].
buildEdgesFromObjects: aClass outgoingInvocations
from: #from
to: [ :each | each candidates detect: [ :c | c typeScope = aClass ] ifNone: [ nil ] ]
using: (RTLine new attachPoint: RTHorizontalAttachPoint instance)
inView: view) do: [ :each | each moveBehind: (layers flatCollect: #value) ]
createEdgesFor: aClass andLayers: layers on: view
| eb edges to |
eb := RTEdgeBuilder new.
eb view: view.
eb shape line; color: Color lightBlue; horizontalAttachPoint.
edges := aClass incomingAccesses flatCollect: [ :acc | eb connectFrom: acc from to: acc
to ].
edges do: [ :each | each moveBehind: (layers flatCollect: #value) ].
eb := RTEdgeBuilder new.
eb view: view.
eb shape line; horizontalAttachPoint.
to := [ :each | each candidates detect: [ :c | c typeScope = aClass ] ifNone: [ nil ] ].
edges := aClass outgoingInvocations flatCollect: [ :acc |
eb connectFrom: acc from to: (to value: acc) ].
edges do: [ :each | each moveBehind: (layers flatCollect: #value) ]
I thought about a #source: on the EdgeBuilder, but I am not sure this will be really
I think this does not change the behavior… but we never know.
Alexandre Bergel