node := 'this is a long chain'.
view := ROWhiteView new
view title: 'TEST'.
moduleNode := (ROElement spriteOn: node) + (ROLabel new color: Color red).
view add: moduleNode.
view open.
It produces now the expected behavior. I removed ROWhiteView however. Use the following:
-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=
node := 'this is a long chain'.
view := ROView new
view title: 'TEST'.
moduleNode := (ROElement spriteOn: node) + (ROLabel new color: Color red).
view add: moduleNode.
view open.
-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=
If you want the element to label to completely fill the element, you can do something
-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=
node := 'this is a long chain'.
view := ROView new
view title: 'TEST'.
moduleNode := (ROElement on: node) + ROBox + (ROLabel new color: Color red) @
view add: moduleNode.
view open.
-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=
@Doru: a shape can now override a method preferedExtentFor: This method is taken into
account to give a particular size to an element.
Maybe I could add a field preferedWidth and preferedHeight ...
I tried to switch to the DSL mode with
ROMondrianViewBuilder in Glamour but I had MessageNotUnderstood:
ROMondrianViewBuilder>>camera. Did someone have a similar problem?
Do you still have this problem? How can I reproduce it?
Moose-dev mailing list
Alexandre Bergel