Working on Petit Delphi we found a strange implementation for asPetitStream:
^ self contents asPetitStream
Further investigation showed that the basic peek was not fast enough for Petit Parser, as
it is used a lot. So it implemented a "improved unchecked peek":
"An improved version of peek, that is slightly faster than the built in
^ self atEnd ifFalse: [ collection at: position + 1 ]
"An unchecked version of peek that throws an error if we try to peek over the end of
the stream, even faster than #peek."
^ collection at: position + 1
But in my knowledge a basic peek should be fast. The real problem is the peek in the
underlying peek:
"Answer what would be returned if the message next were sent to the
receiver. If the receiver is at the end, answer nil."
| nextObject |
self atEnd ifTrue: [^nil].
nextObject := self next.
position := position - 1.
That actually uses "self next". The least thing one should do is to cache the
next object. But isn't there a primitive for peek in a file stream? Because al
overriding peeks of PositionableStream have basically the same implementation: reading the
next and restoring the state to before the peek (that is slow). So we would like to be
able to remove PPStream without causing performance issues, as the only added method is
the "improved peek".
Stephan and Diego
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