Status: New
Owner: damien.c...(a)
Labels: Type-Engineering Priority-Low
New issue 627 by damien.c...(a) Glamour-Morphic unit tests are
fragile to changes in the submorphs tree
Glamour-Morphic unit tests contain code like this:
treeMorph := window submorphs last submorphs first submorphs first
submorphs first submorphs first.
self assert: treeMorph class = LazyMorphTreeMorph.
Which is very fragile to any changes in the submorphs tree. I propose to
replace each of these piece of code to something like:
treeMorph := self find: LazyMorphTreeMorph in: window
The method #find:in: could use something like Morph>>allMorphsDo: to find a
corresponding morph in the submorphs tree.
I guess this would made the code slower but haven't tested it.