Hi Simon,
Yes, it is possible.
I created an example at:
"self new listsWithUpdatedSelection openOn: 10"
| browser |
browser := GLMTableLayoutBrowser new.
browser column: #one; column: #two; column: #three.
browser showOn: #one; using: [
browser list
display: [:x | 1 to: x ]].
browser showOn: #two; using: [
browser list
display: [:x | 1 to: x + 2 ]].
browser showOn: #three; using: [
browser list
display: [:x | 1 to: x ]].
browser sendTo: #two->#selection from: #one with: [:x | x + 2].
browser sendTo: #one->#selection from: #two with: [:x | x - 2].
browser sendTo: #three->#selection from: #two with: [:x | (1 to: (x -
2)) ].
^ browser
The example, updates column 2 with one selection and column 3 with a
multiple selection.
To get the multiple selection properly refreshed visually, you will
need to update Glamour-Morphic to the latest version.
On 1 Oct 2009, at 15:56, Simon Denier wrote:
Let's say I have three panes with three collection
of data: A, B,
and C
I want each pane to always display its full list of data.
But, data are also interconnected: data in A points to some data in
B, which points to data in C.
So that when I select some data in a pane (say A), I dont want the
other panes to filter their data, I just want them to update their
is that currently possible in Glamour?
Some ascii art to the rescue :)
When I select a1, I want b1 and b3 selected in B, and as a
consequence c2, c4, and c5 are also selected in C
A | B | C
a1* | b1* | c1
a2 | b2 | c2*
a3 | b3* | c3
| b4 | c4*
| | c5*
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