The problem is that you are loading version 33.tgriggs of
ExtraRBForSUnitToo and that one has a prerequisite to SUnitToo(Is).
However, due to changes in 7.6, SUnitToo(Is) has a new version that
does not work with 7.5. As your script will automatically load the
latest version of prerequisites, you get the error in 7.5.
So, just add the SunitToo(is) package with the correct version in your
script and it should work.
On Apr 21, 2008, at 4:10 PM, stéphane ducasse wrote:
This is strange
I'm loading in ***7.5*** the following
self loadingSpecs: #(#(PKG '1.13' 'VisualWorksFoo' '')
#(#PKG '38b.kuhn.2' 'SUnitToo'
#(#PKG '33.tgriggs'
'ExtraRBForSUnitToo' '')
#(#PKG '7.4.kuhn.3' 'AutoComplete'
#(#PKG '1.1' 'RBrowserHistory'
#(#PKG '66' 'RBCodeHighlighting'
#(#PKG '1.2' 'RB_Tabs' '')
#(#PKG '1.45' 'MagicKeys'
#(#PAR '' 'RBSUnitExtensions'
#(#PKG '1.0' 'Tools-Speed patches'
#(#PKG '1.1' 'Store-Speed patches'
#(#PKG '1.0' 'Store-LogginSpeedUp'
and I get an error SUnitToo(ls) (RB4xx - 27, triggs)
I do not understand why when I load old packages with the old 7.5
version I get errors.
Did someone change something?
Am I getting stupid?
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