Hi Johan,
On 22 Jan 2010, at 19:28, Johan Fabry wrote:
Your first option does not work :-( portNamed: is not
Indeed, it is port:, not portNamed:
So I tried the following variant, intending the
#mpanel to update
itself but nothing happens :-(
Wait, #mpanel is the name of the port that you just updated. You need
to have a transmission that origins in that port, and if you have it,
it should trigger. Does it not happen like that?
browser transmit to: #buttons;
andShow:[ :a |
(a actionList)
act: [:p :entity | entity dooFooTransform. (p pane port: #mpanel)
value: entity ] entitled: 'DoFooTransform';
On 21 Jan 2010, at 04:29, Tudor Girba wrote:
The first parameter of an action is the presentation. And the
presentation has access to its pane. So, the preferred way is for
the presentation to only talk with its pane and then let
transmissions deal with links between panes. So, you can do:
a somePresentation
act: [:p :entity | (p pane portNamed: #somePort) value: entity
something] on: $x entitled: 'Update'
or shorter:
a somePresentation
update: #somePort on: $x entitled: 'Update' with: [:p :entity |
entity something]
So, I guess that the buttons in your case are part of an ActionList
that is placed in one pane. So, you could populate 6 different
ports in that pane and then have one transmission from all ports to
the mondrian pane (entity port).
Is this better?
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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