I'm still working on the ecore importer with sara.
Today, I convert a metamodel conform to Ecore in a model conform to EMOF
and then Sara generates the SmallTalk code associated with this model.
Concerning the Enumerations, I planned to implement them into the EMOF
Model (according to the OMG spec I found at
http://www.omg.org/docs/formal/06-01-01.pdf p31
but when I thought at how to convert it in SmallTalk, I found it better to
assimilate Enumeration and EnumLiteral to a class (the enumeration) and
subclasses (the enumLiterals) because they are nothing but types.
Do you think my idea is good, or should I implement Enumeration in the
EMOF Model and let Sara deal with them to generate SmallTalk code?
Thank you for your advices.