There is a RTNameCloud class that you can use for tag clouds. There is also
couple of examples.
1. Put a tag cloud with some layout/form (for example around an object).
Right now RTNameCloud uses RTRectanglePackLayout
which doesn't allow you to
"fix" elements in place, so this would have to be rewritten/modified, or
some other workaround.
Or you can plug your own layouting into RTNameCloud.
> 2. Put a raster image (the avatar) in the center of that tag cloud.
As for raster image, there is RTBitmap, as for
the placing see answer above.
> 3. Exclude some words from the tag cloud.
Not right now. You would have to extend it. Look
at RTNameCloud>>addWord:
and addString: methods.
Also if you add an extra object, the builder only layouts its own stuff, so
a crude example may be
| b url form |
b := RTNameCloud new
addString: 'open
| v shape |
v := RTView new.
shape := RTLabel new height: [ :assoc | assoc value ]; text: #key.
v addAll: (shape elementsOn: table associations).
RTFlowLayout on: v elements.
v open'.
b build.
url := '
"<-- the layouting is based on sizes, so if you change ?s=100 to ?s=40 the
image will be center-ish"
url asZnUrl.
form := ZnEasy getJpeg: url.
b view add: (RTBitmap new form: form) element.
RTRectanglePackLayout new on: b view elements. "<-- since I added a new
element I have to layout it myself"
^ b view
> I will be making my explorations tonight and tomorrow morning, but any
> pointer in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Offray
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