Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Mondrian Milestone-4.4
New issue 591 by ComplexShape blocks are executed
also on children
Take the following example:
view shape form: [:builder |
builder column; pref; center; row; fill; row; fill.
builder x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new text: [:col | (col first + 100)
asString ]).
builder x:1 y:2 add: MOChildrenShape new].
view node: #(10 20) forIt: [
view nodes: #(a b) ].
You will get a DNU due to Character not understanding +. It looks like the
defined shape is also somehow run for the children, which is wrong.