Hi Felipe,
On 7 Aug 2010, at 00:40, Felipe Ignacio Valverde Campos wrote:
hello people, someone knows how to do this actions
on a Mondrian Pane using Glamour, something like this script with the
button action
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #mpanel.
browser actions: [:root|
{GLMAction new
title: 'increase';
action: [ ??? ]; "<-- what can i put here ?"
icon: MenuIcons smallWindowIcon }].
There is nothing you can put in there because in the current form the
Glamour presentation does not know the actual morph that renders it.
Your use case should actually be supported directly by the widget that
renders the Mondrian presentation.
Please open a ticket for this issue.
browser transmit to: #mpanel;
andShow: [:a|
a mondrian
painting: [:view | view nodes: (1 to: 10)]].
browser openOn: {}.
i see the MOEasel code like reference, but it's using a MOCanvas and
MORoot... so i don't know how to do same things with Glamour code...
can i get the MOCanvas from "mondrian pane" ?
can i put a MOCanvas on a Glamour pane ?
something else in order to manipulate the size ?
thanks !
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil en Computación.
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas.
Universidad de Chile.
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