Hi Stef,
Take a look at the MooseReleaseLoader package.
In the comments of the versions marked as Internal Release you will
get scripts that will load the whole suite. The first one is from the
end of 2006.
If you load the package, a window pops up that asks you to load the
released versions. You can also find the scripts on the class side of
MooseReleases. For example:
MooseReleases moose32ESUG2007 asStandAloneScript
MooseReleases moose32ESUG2007 load
I believe all these Moose versions support MSE.
I will create another release for a 3.2final just before we move to
Fame and FAMIX 3.0.
Let me know if you encounter problems.
On Feb 29, 2008, at 1:14 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
Hi all
azadeh would like to study the evolution of the architecture of Moose.
So do you think that this is possible to load old versions of Moose?
Are the configurations correct (I mean will load the associated
Do you have a suggestion of five versions that are working with MSE
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