Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-MooseCore
New issue 814 by anquetil...(a) [MooseChef] Need to deal with
entities that don't have scope
This is linked to issue 812.
Making the change for this issue, highlighted a problem with scope:
Some queries might return objects that do not have scope (ex:
primitiveType, StructuralEntities, ...).
The result can be then filtered with withoutSelfLoop that relies on scope
There might be other example where one might ending up asking the scope of
an unscoped entity.
Possible solutions:
- ensure that all entities have a relevant scope in MooseChef
- create an "#unscoped" MooseChef scope and update MooseChef accordingly
- return nil when asking the scope of an unscoped entity, and reprogram
withoutSelfLoop to handle that case (not sure it is possible)