Hi Cyrille,
Thanks for your help. This goes indeed in the right direction, however I have the
impression I am now bumping into a bug.
Consider the following code:
-=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-=
| wizardControl wizardPane1 wizardPane2 itemsSelectorsPart listPart aRenderer |
aRenderer := MerlinMorphicWizardRenderer new .
wizardControl := WizardControl new.
wizardControl renderer: aRenderer.
wizardPane1 := WizardFirstPane new.
wizardPane2 := WizardLastPane new.
itemsSelectorsPart := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new
initialList: #(item1 item2 item3 item4);
listPart := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new
initialList: [:requiredInputs |
(requiredInputs at: #selectedItems)
wizardPane1 row: itemsSelectorsPart associatedTo: #selectedItems.
wizardPane2 row: listPart requiring: {#selectedItems}.
addPane: wizardPane1;
addPane: wizardPane2.
wizardControl open.
-=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-=
This throws an error.
Shall I open an issue?
On 17 Oct 2011, at 14:45, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
Hello alex,
2011/10/17 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>
I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
Consider the following script:
| control firstPane lastPane part1 dropListPart part2 |
control := WizardControl new.
firstPane := WizardFirstPane new.
lastPane := WizardLastPane new.
control addPane: firstPane; addPane: lastPane.
"First pane: picking the configuration we are interested in"
part1 := TextPart new inGroupboxNamed: 'Select the configuration you want to
load versions from'.
firstPane addPart: part1 associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration.
dropListPart := DropListPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Configurations';
list: self listOfConfigurations;
useLatePopulateContents: false;
firstPane row: dropListPart associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration2.
"Second pane"
part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at:
lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions.
I think that here you should specify something like:
lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions requiring:
Like that the input of the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart get populated with output of
the dropListPart. That means that the line:
part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at:
will work corectly.
Does it answer to your question?
"Open the controler"
control open.
^ control
The problem is that I do not know how to initialize the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart in
the second pane since I need the result of what I selected in part1. I tried to inspire
myself from the merlin example #itemsSelectorPartUsing: , but without success.
So, how part2 can refer to the result selected in part1 ?
Alexandre Bergel
Alexandre Bergel