Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)
CC: chisvasi...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 884 by tu...(a) The Roassal presentation should
react to custom ports
The current implementation of the Roassal presentation relies only on the
original entity. However, given that Roassal can handle various animations,
we would benefit from an extra ability of the presentation to react to
other ports.
For example, the list presentation reacts to #selection. Similarly, Roassal
should be able to react to it or others as well. Only, given that Roassal
is generic, the reaction should be customisable, too.
Perhaps something like this:
a roassal
painting: [:view :entity | ... ]
on: #customPort do: [ :view :customValue | ... ]