Hi Alex,
I could not find an example of how to update the edges, so initially I drew all the edges
and then I was simulating an update by using:
view interaction
whenClickingUpdateNode: [ :enode |
self viewEdgesOfDelta: enode with: outgoingDeltas with: incomingDeltas on: view ]
whenClickingBackUpdateNode: [ :enode |
self resetEdgesOn: view ]
withLayoutUpdate: false.
But this was drawing new edges and some of them in a different position of the original.
Based on your example I created my edges only once and then I reuse them when changing
color... I works perfectly :D
Thank you very much!!
Btw, I am curious about this:
view treeLayout userDefinedEdges: edges.
What is it exactly? after that you draw more edges... does it to ensure the tree layout
based on the initial edges?
On 04 Dec 2011, at 15:15, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Hi Veronica,
I need to have more detail. I cannot reproduce the problem. How do you update the edges?
Consider the following example (you need to update Mondrian to see it working, I fixed a
bug, which raised an exception). Just do it in an Easel:
"Example on updating shape color. Moving the mouse about a node turn the edges to
used classes red. "
| classes edges getDepOfAClass classesAndTheirOutgoingEdges |
"Return the list of classes that are dependent from aClass"
getDepOfAClass := [ :aClass |
| b |
b := Set new.
aClass methods do: [:m | b addAll: ((m allLiterals select: [:l | (l isKindOf:
Association) and: [ l value isBehavior ]]) collect: #value) ].
b ].
"We select all the classes of Mondrian"
classes := (Smalltalk globals select: #isBehavior) select: [:c | c name beginsWith:
'MO' ].
view shape rectangle width: #numberOfAttributes; height: #numberOfMethods.
view interaction action: #inspect.
view interaction
on: MOMouseEnter do: [ :ann |
(classesAndTheirOutgoingEdges at: ann model) do: [:e | e copyShapeAndDo: [:s | s color:
Color red ]].
on: MOMouseLeave do: [ :ann |
(classesAndTheirOutgoingEdges at: ann model) do: [:e | e copyShapeAndDo: [:s | s color:
Color lightGray ]].
view nodes: classes.
view shape: (MOOrthoVerticalLineShape new color: Color black).
edges := view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view treeLayout userDefinedEdges: edges.
view shape line color: Color veryLightGray.
classesAndTheirOutgoingEdges := Dictionary new.
classes do: [:cls |
classesAndTheirOutgoingEdges at: cls put: (view edge: cls from: #yourself toAll: [:c |
getDepOfAClass value: c ])
On 3 Dec 2011, at 17:46, Veronica Isabel Uquillas Gomez wrote:
I have an inconvenient with the positions in which edges are being drawn. Attached a
screenshot to explain what is happening.
My visualization displays at the beginning all the edges (grey), and then when
interacting with a node, its edges change color.
However, when drawing the edges in another color (green/red) some appear in a different
location (see the red one).
For me this creates confusion as it seems to be a different edge (i know that when
drawing it's a different object but i think it should appear in the same location as
most of them do).
I thought that it was related with the type of line (arrowed) but in fact the same
happens with a simple line or in a different layout.
This case in particular uses the dominance tree layout.
Now I am wondering if that is a bug of the layout or of the edge's drawing itself.
And, if this can be fixed..
Best Regards,
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Alexandre Bergel
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