Thank you Doru and Alex!
Yes this is a really just start, because I am aware of different direction.
I used "element composed strategy" as I have seen for the context menu. I
have seen just two examples of complex shapes. One is the UML class,
another one blueprint. In general, both of them use shape in order to split
the area of element into particular parts (for UML: name, instVars,
selectors). I think any UI is build that way: it means it is composed of
Ok, let's say I can understand that complex shape just defines areas inside
of elements, his border, colour, maybe resize strategy. Can you please give
me an idea, an example of interface which allows two placeholders
(ChildrenShape)? I do not mean the definition of builder, but after that.
Something like that?:
view at: #placeholder1 node: 42 forIt: [
view nodes: (1 to: 42).
view gridLayout ].
view at: #placeholder2 node: 42 forIt: [
view nodes: (1 to: 42).
view gridLayout ].
And I would appreciate the real example of using it. I have seen just UML
class and Blueprint usage. And my impression is to use the "composition
strategy" with some nice builder interface.
I would actually likely use Spec library. But for now we want something
simple and independent of any other library.
Thank you for any advice,
2013/4/11 Tudor Girba <tudor(a)>
I looked at it a bit. It's a start, but I think the direction is not quite
right yet.
Let's take a look at one of your examples:
builder := ROGridBuilder rows: 3 columns: 1.
builder at: 1 at: 1 putModel: #printString shape: shape1.
builder at: 2 at: 1 putModel: #instVarNames shape: shape2 innerShape:
ROLabel layout: ROVerticalLineLayout new.
I like that you are using a matrix model.
But, what is not so clean is mixing shapes and elements. Right now, you
are creating elements within the definition of the shape (i.e.,
A rule of thumb should be that shapes should be interchangeable. Consider
the following Mondrian example:
| builder |
builder := MOFormsBuilder new.
builder column; pref; center;
row; fill;
row; fill.
builder x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new text: #asString; withoutBorder).
builder x:1 y:2 add: MOChildrenShape new.
view shape: builder asShape.
view node: 42 forIt: [
view nodes: (1 to: 42).
view gridLayout ]
In this case, I can keep the graph structure the same and simply use
another shape, and it still works (In this case, the rectangle has a
default way of handling children elements).
view node: 42 forIt: [
view nodes: (1 to: 42).
view gridLayout ]
I am not suggesting that FormsBuilder is the ultimate design. It's not.
However, I still think it's good to keep a shape be a way of specifying how
elements look, not how elements are composed.
The way we achieved this was through ChildrenShape, which simply offers a
placeholder for where the children elements are rendered. The limitation of
the previous design was that we only allowed one ChildrenShape. This is why
we either showed methods or attributes in the uml class diagram.
But I think we could remedy the situation by having some sort of
partitioning of the children. For example, we could tag children and then
associate the tags to the different ChildrenShapes.
Ok, that is it for the moment.
On Apr 10, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)> wrote:
Now, it will be easier to review :)
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kubelka(a)>
Hi Doru,
thank you for the navigation. There is the script:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'JurajKubelka' project: 'RoassalProposals';
package: 'Roassal';
ROGridBuilderTest browse.
2013/4/10 Tudor Girba <tudor(a)>
Hi Juraj,
Great to see this starting.
To make collaboration easier please do the following:
- create a separate repository on SmalltalkHub
- put your Roassal extensions there
- send a Gofer script to load this code easily in a Moose image.
(ask specific questions if you do not find out how to do it)
In the meantime, I will try like it is now.
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:03 AM, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kubelka(a)>
Hi all, Hi Doru!
There is the kick-off of ComplexShape implementation in Roassal. If you
the attached code into, you will be able to
play with it a bit. There is ROGridBuilderTest test class with two examples.
Doru, I suppose you are almost only one who manage Mondrian's complex
Would you please examine the code and give me your opinion? Thank
you a lot. … Of course any one can give me some feedback :-) I would
appreciate it.
For now I focused to do UML Class diagram. I know about blue-prints
which can be
done similar way. I have not seen other complex shapes. So
there is an open space for other requirements which can impact interface
and design.
Implementation breaks several tests because of change in
ROContainer>>encompassingNestedRectangle. I removed a default extent (5@5)
which is not wanted. I will fix the tests later when the implementation
will be accepted.
Thank you for any response or question,
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