As you may know, Mondrian offers additional interaction mechanisms.
The script below shows a system complexity, and by waving the mouse
over a node, clientClasses will be connected. When the mouse leaves
the node, the edges disappear.
view shape rectangle
width: #numberOfAttributes;
height: #numberOfMethods;
linearFillColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode within: classGroup.
view interaction
action: #inspect;
[:node | view edges: {node} from: #yourself toAll: #clientClasses ]
withLayoutUpdate: false.
view nodes: classGroup.
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view treeLayout
This mechanism is useful I think, however, the block you provide in
#whenEnteringUpdateNode: should be error free. Else the image may hang
(this is a well known Morphic problem, I will work on it one day).
Do you like this view? Would it make sense to make it as default in
Moose? Any comment?
Alexandre Bergel