it is always difficult to have the butter and the
money for the butter.
On May 29, 2010, at 5:52 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
These classes are indeed part of Polymorph:
This class is part of Shout:
On 29 May 2010, at 17:50, Hannes Hirzel wrote:
> OK, this time it got one step further. It now complains about not
> having classes which I assume are part of the package Polymorph.
> This package depends on the following classes:
> StandardWindow
> UIThemeWatery2
> TabGroupMorph
> On 5/29/10, Hannes Hirzel <hannes.hirzel(a)> wrote:
>> Thank you Doru and Jannik for your help so far
>> Currently I have my development works in Squeak - a lot of Projects.
>> So I want to keep for the time being. We will see which obstacles
>> arise.
>> As of now I am just doing
>> ConfigurationOfSeaside30 load
>> in a test image. Of course this loads a lot but I want to work with
>> Seaside in any case. So it does not matter in this case and it might
>> satisfy preconditions which are not (yet) stated in
>> ConfigurationOfGlamour.
>> Then I want to go for the Lukas' Announcement package and try it again
>> with Glamour.
>> I saw that Glamour has a category 'Seaside'. I assume it is possible
>> to build Seasides browsers with Glamour.
>> --Hannes
>> On 5/29/10, Laval Jannik <jannik.laval(a)> wrote:
>>>> From my point of view,
>>> It is more efficient to use Pharo and a stable system (Announcement +
>>> Glamour) than to try to port all the things to Squeak.
>>> Maybe, you have good reasons to do that.
>>> keep us informed of your choice, and if it work on Squeak.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jannik
>>> On May 29, 2010, at 14:40 , Tudor Girba wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> You can probably load the Announcement package separately from:
>>>> MCHttpRepository
>>>> location: ''
>>>> user: ''
>>>> password: ''
>>>> I presume you will also encounter other problems due to Polymorph
>>>> which
>>>> exists by default in Pharo. So, you will also need to learn how to
>>>> load
>>>> that one. One idea would be to ask on the Pharo mailing list to see
>>>> how
>>>> they load it on top of the core image.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Doru
>>>> On 29 May 2010, at 14:12, Laval Jannik wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Glamour depends on Announcement, which is a part of Pharo Kernel.
>>>>> It is the new event Manager, which differs from Squeak.
>>>>> I don't know If it is portable in Squeak.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Jannik
>>>>> On May 29, 2010, at 13:46 , Hannes Hirzel wrote:
>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>> I am trying to load Glamour into Squeak 4.1. but run into a
>>>>>> completing the loading.
>>>>>> 1) Use ConfigurationOfGlamour-tg.38.mcz (21 May 2010) in Squeak
>>>>>> trunk (or Squeak 4.2alpha updated)
>>>>>> 2) Evaluate
>>>>>> ConfigurationOfGlamour loadDefault
>>>>>> 3) A warning pops up
>>>>>> This package depends on the following classes:
>>>>>> Announcer
>>>>>> Announcement
>>>>>> (I am not told which package ).
>>>>>> Question: Where do I find the class Announcer and Announcement?
>>>>>> Thank you for the answer in advance.
>>>>>> Hannes
>>>>>> P.S. I tried to ignore this warning and proceeded. It loads quite
>>>>>> lot but the examples do not work because the class GLMTabulator
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> known.
>>>>>> GLMTabulator seems to be a central class. Maybe I can load it
>>>>>> through
>>>>>> other means. I do not necessarily need everyting at this moment.
>>>>>> would just like to do a few simple examples to explore a net of
>>>>>> objects.
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