Because the FAMIXSourceAnchor>>#element is now a container, we need to
add TEntityMetaLevelDependency + TDependencyQueries to the
FamixSourceAnchor and implement the required messages.
-- Pavel
2017-03-23 10:03 GMT+01:00 Pavel Krivanek <pavel.krivanek(a)gmail.com>om>:
In the latest build we have 243 new tests failing with
an error (Instance
of FAMIXPharoAnchor did not understand #privateQuery:with:)
new versions in the image are:
'ACD-Model' : 'ACD-Model-PavelKrivanek.47',
Merlin' : 'Merlin-PavelKrivanek.159',
'RoelTyper' : 'RoelTyper-PavelKrivanek.88',
'Famix-Core' : 'Famix-Core-AnneEtien.312'
'Famix-Extensions' : 'Famix-Extensions-VincentBlondeau.302',
-- Pavel