On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 1:46 PM, Cường Phạm <cuongpham92(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Mr Serge Stinckwich,
It is me again, sorry for disturbing. I have asked Mai Anh and Fabrice about
this issue, but unfortunately they do not work in this specific topic. May I
ask you about the way I export CK+OO metrics from MOOSE?
As you suggested, I use MOOSE 5.0 and successfully imported mse file into
MOOSE. Now I do see these metrics in section "Properties" of tab "All
modelclasses", but I could not find any button to export this to some kind
of document such as xml or html file. Do I have to write any code to extract
them out?
There is no generic way to dump all the information of a model. MOOSE
is a platform to analyse and visualize your model depending of what
you want to do.
Normally people who want to analyze some properties of their system,
write a specific script in Pharo in order to visit their model in an
appropriate way.
For example, if you want to generate a collection with the number of
methods (WMC metrics) for each classes of your model, you can do:
self allClasses collect: [:eachClass | eachClass numberOfMethods].
If you want to generate a result html file, you can do the following:
FileLocator desktop / 'result.html' writeStreamDo: [:out|
out <<
out << '<tr bgcolor=silver>'; <<
'<th>Class</th><th>number of
self allClasses collect: [ :eachClass| out << '<tr>'; <<
'<th>'; <<
eachClass asString; << '</th>'; << '<th>' ;
<< eachClass numberOfMethods; << '</th>' ; <<
out << '</table></body></html>'.
For exemple, with a model with all the Collection classes, I will
obtain the attached html table.
After that you need to adapt the html dump to your needs.
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk