Hi Peter!
In Roassal 1, we had a ViewStack. We have removed it in Roassal2. The reasons are: (i) it
was not used with more than two views and (ii) it has an overhead.
Instead, we have one view, with fixed and non-fixed shape. It is better and faster.
However, layers are indeed important. Most of graphic applications support layer, there is
no reason why Roassal does not have one.
My suggestion, is to made a proper builder for this. So, you are very welcome to give a
try. I will review it.
Something like:
RTBuilder subclass: #RTLayeredComposition.
b := RTLayeredComposition new.
b addView: aView.
b addView: anotherView.
b build.
It will simply have all the elements in one unique view
You could then have option to add or remove layer by pressing some buttons.
Should be pretty easy to do.
On Apr 12, 2015, at 1:58 PM, Peter Uhnák
<i.uhnak(a)gmail.com> wrote:
this is probably a bit tall order, so consider it more like a food for thought, however
how hard do you think it would be to add layers to roassal?
Examples of layers could be
1 - background (grid),
2 - the visualized figures,
3 - selection highlights
4 - handles (moving handles, resize handles)
There are certain benefits like clearing all handles by simply replacing a layer with
clear one, potential performance improvements and more. It would definitely require more
thought but it might be interesting to consider in the coming years.
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Alexandre Bergel