Hi everybody,
Playing around with the FAMIX 2 specs and the LAN model I found something
very strange:
- I found an FAMIXAccess that accesses a FAMIXClass. According to the FAMIX
2 meta-model and also the annotations from Moose the accesses attribute of
FAMIXAccess should be of type FAMIXAbstractStructuralEntity. But the
FAMIXAccess instance with id 71 from LAN model accesses a FAMIXClass
(Root::Smalltalk::LAN::LANInterface.initialize() -> DependentList_class).
There are other examples too.
How were those accesses build? It is correct?
Adi D.
dipl.ing. Adrian DOZSA
Programming Engineer
mail: adi.dozsa(a)gmail.com