Currently, trying to load the ConfigurationOfMoose default leads to some sort of an
infinite loop.
Now, here is the bummer. The new changes in the Moose-related configurations did *not*
change the versions I am trying to load. And yet, I still cannot load the configuration I
The reason is most likely due to the problem of reifying *all* versions before loading
only one of them. Thus, if one version that is not related to anything is broken
everything is broken.
I raised this issue before, and I strongly believe this is not the way to go. Loading
should be light in that it should only reify the version we are looking for.
On 29 Aug 2011, at 20:57, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I am just back home. Dale found a number of errors in
many configuration. Since Squeaksource was down, we couldn't go as far as we wished.
I saved the configuration and I am now trying to load version 4dale of Moose to see if it
On 26 Aug 2011, at 18:28, Tudor Girba wrote:
Great. Any news?
On 26 Aug 2011, at 12:00, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I am with Dale working on the configuration of
moose problem.
On 26 Aug 2011, at 10:21, Dale Henrichs wrote:
Metacello supports "nested
configurations" ... Seaside/Pier/Magritte/etc. all have long chains of project
dependencies ...
I am in Edinburgh until tomorrow night so I am willing to sit down with someone who has
an example of the "moose problem" on their laptop and we can characterize the
problem ... I do not know if this is metacello bug, a configuration error or something in
between .... but given the complexity of the moose configuration I need to be able to talk
to someone about the intent of the configuration so that I can identify the
bug/misunderstanding/configuration error...
----- Original Message -----
| From: "stephane ducasse" <stephane.ducasse(a)gmail.com>
| To: "Moose-related development" <moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch>
| Cc: metacello(a)googlegroups.com
| Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 12:06:45 AM
| Subject: [Metacello] Re: [Moose-dev] Re: major repackaging planned
| On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:11 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
| > Hi,
| >
| > On 25 Aug 2011, at 22:49, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
| >
| >> this is ok for me.
| >> Now I would like to make sure that we can reload moose.
| >> I still do not understand why this is not possible.
| >
| > The problem is that we have nested configurations. To reliably
| > version something, we need to version everything recursively. I am
| > not aware of the support for this.
| Did you check the metacelloToolBox: api?
| Did you check the MetacelloBrowser?
| I have to do that.
| So if nested version recursively does not work
| we should either release more often
| or at least version at the level of certain package
| Not been able to reload is not good.
| Stef
Moose-dev mailing list
Alexandre Bergel
"Speaking louder won't make the point worthier."
Moose-dev mailing list
Alexandre Bergel
"Every thing has its own flow."