Hi! I am a newbie in Smalltalk and specially en Eyesee.
I'm having trouble with the scale of the Y axis in a vertical bar diagram.
If I define a dictionary as
d := {'a'->(1/3) . 'b'->(3/2) . 'c'->(7/4)}.
I can create a nice diagram with this
chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
chart verticalBarDiagram
y: [:eachAssociation | eachAssociation value];
identifier: [:eachAssociation | eachAssociation key];
models: d .
chart open
whose Y axis is very well populated with labels indicating different
steps in the scale.
But if I redefine d as
d := {'a'->(1/3) . 'b'->(7/5) . 'c'->(17/4)}.
(which is closer to the data I am working on) most of the labels in the
Y axis are gone.
How can I instruct Eyesee to show a more informative scale?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Lautaro Pecile.