On 14 Nov 2007, at 8:05 , stephane ducasse wrote:
we have been discussing with alex here about our
visibility since
other groups at inria are using Gforge and are counting their
donwloads. I think that we cannot do too much because I do not see
how it would make sense to use svn for developing Moose.
Now I see several paths to help moose while helping us (stef at
inria) internally:
What we can do is the following
- Write out the entire Moose bundle on filesystem
--- bundels, packages and classes as directories
--- each methods as a file (maybe, each protocol as a file)
- Then publish it to a svn repo using cmd line
this would also allow us publish Moose on Ohloh like this
I think tat this is really important to refer to the moose articles
in the paper and PhD thesis.
Oscar Nierstrasz, Stéphane Ducasse and Tudor Gîrba, The Story of
Moose: an Agile Reengineering Environment, In Proceedings of the
European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC/FSE 2005), New York
NY, ACM Press, pp. 1-10, 2005, Invited paper, PDF , DOI
Stéphane Ducasse, Tudor Gîrba, Michele Lanza and Serge Demeyer,
Moose: a Collaborative and Extensible Reengineering Environment, In
Tools for Software Maintenance and Reengineering, Milano, Franco
Angeli, pp. 55-71, 2005, PDF
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