Comment #6 on issue 1089 by tu...(a) Roassal should export PNG
Here is a script that Alex put together. It almost work, but we still need
to extract the logic from TRMorph. Also, there still is a problem with the
logic as the picture is shifted to the right.
b := RTMondrianViewBuilder new.
b shape rectangle
width: [ :cls | cls numberOfVariables * 5];
height: #numberOfMethods;
linearFillColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode within: RTObject withAllSubclasses.
b nodes: RTObject withAllSubclasses.
b edgesFrom: #superclass.
b treeLayout.
b build.
form := FormCanvas extent: (b view canvas encompassingRectangle) extent.
m := TRMorph new.
m canvas: b view canvas.
m extent: (b view canvas encompassingRectangle) extent.
m createSurface.
m drawOn: form.
m surface writeToPng: 'foo.png'
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