That is a good question.
The core of Bloc is found in the Bloc package. That one has 14k lines of code.
It can be loaded as:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Bloc';
repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Bloc/src';
load: #'minimal:bloc’
This part is also built separately in Travis:
The minimal Bloc does not have any rendering, and should even be independent from Sparta.
We should also take into account that Bloc is not just a GUI framework, but also a
visualization one, and that its model is fine grained.
The instance variable count in BlElement is large, indeed. This is a problem we are
constantly struggling with. We are still in the process of removing a couple, but it will
still be large. So, that’s still an issue.
On Apr 9, 2018, at 7:58 AM, Stéphane Ducasse
<stephane.ducasse(a)inria.fr> wrote:
Hi doru
A while ago I was talking with Alain about the size of Bloc and Alain told me that it was
normal that Bloc was large
because it is doing more than Morphic and I should not compare.
Ok ok ok but what is miniBloc?
Because one of this day it will happen. I mean the instance var number of certain classes
is simply huge.
And it would be good have also a more modular view.
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