Dear List,
In the SqueakSource Mondrian repository you will find a new version of
Mondrian. It addresses a number of critical issues. Please, let me
know if you find anything that does not work for you.
This version addresses the following issues:
- ISSUE #124 : Double click does not work in Mondrian. Double clicks
may be used as "view interaction on: MOMouseDouble do: [:ann | ... ]"
- ISSUE #121 : Mondrian is now significantly faster. A greater number
of nodes may be displayed now. MOBenchmarks contains a number of
different benchmarks and their progress over the time
- ISSUE #125 : The dependencies on Annoucement and Morphic are now
removed. A new class has been introduced: MOMorphicExtensionInstaller.
In its initialize method, it installs the change set that adds
windowing event notifications. MooseLoader has been updated accordingly.
If you have OB installed, just doit:
ScriptLoader new installer ss project: 'Mondrian'; install:
'MondrianLoader'. (Smalltalk at: #MondrianLoader) load
Alexandre Bergel